2122 !publish!

Alexandros Tsakos 12 months ago
parent 840e32aa8c
commit 542c3e6c8a

@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ sitting in Abraham's lap.
The publication of the Brooklyn Museum epitaph, besides encouraging the
continued commemoration of Timothea---an activity that the inclusion of
a month date in the text was meant to promote---,[^21] offers a small
continued commemoration of Timothea--an activity that the inclusion of
a month date in the text was meant to promote--, [^21] offers a small
step towards the reconstitution of a dispersed funerary assemblage of
early Christian Nubia. The general cohesion of material and (Greek)
textual forms across major northern Nubian sites, substantially unique
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ distinctive local variety of both, in the early medieval period. The
monuments, and the names that they continue to make live, are precious
testaments to society in cities like Talmis and Taphis, later ruled from
elsewhere (Primis, Pakhoras) but retaining a position as urban
centers. [^22]
# Edition
