footnote !publish!

Alexandros Tsakos 12 months ago
parent fd1f2dfb14
commit 840e32aa8c

@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ Table 1. Greek epitaphs from northern Nubia with the same formulary as the Brook
The theological implications of this plural expansion of the "bosom"
(see further the commentary to line 8 of the edition below) remains to
be explained. After the seminal passage of Luke 16, the deceased was
imagined---to judge from the famous illuminated manuscript of Gregory of
Nazianzus produced for the Byzantine emperor Basil I (fig. 4)---as
imagined--to judge from the famous illuminated manuscript of Gregory of
Nazianzus produced for the Byzantine emperor Basil I (fig. 4)--as
sitting in Abraham's lap.
