
Valeria Graziano 2 years ago
parent 410cb51eae
commit 307aee81d0

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ has_factors = ["americandepartment.md", "faintinginjections.md", "doppelganger.m
# Maddening Rhythms: Healthcare struggles at the intersection of technology, environment and refusal of work
## The story from which we started: Lebole, c. 1964
In 1964, the all-female workforce of the apparel manufacturer Lebole in Arezzo, Tuscany, were among the first ones in Italy to experience the transformation of their workflow according to the teachings of the MTM (Motion Time Measurement) Method imported from the USA. In the span of less than a decade, these women, many of whom were accomplished tailors before entering the factory, went from a semi-artisanal organization of labour, to a progressively more fragmented and repetitive segmentation of tasks, to a fully scripted repetitive performance with maddening rhythms. With the introduction of the MTM method, their movements were measured and minutiously analysed by a team of experts, who then "choreographed" the execution of each motion in a new, time-saving manner. In short, the workers were expected to behave like ROBOTS.
@ -20,7 +23,6 @@ By developing in their own form of musical production, Lebole's workers interven
Finding their own voice and fighting for keeping it was more than a metaphor for the Leboline: with bitter irony, amongst the many health-related struggles these women carried on, one was against the indiscriminate use of formaldehyde, a compound used to augment the firmness of clothes, but which has a harmfull impact on the troath and vocal chords.
## Luigi Firrao
