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87 lines
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baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Machine listening"
relativeurls = true
disableKinds = ["RSS", "sitemap"]
keyword = "keywords"
description = "A platform for collective listening, thought, and artistic production: a critical counterpoint to all the solutionists, VCs, militarists and industry boosters intent on empowering machines with the sense of hearing'."
images = ["/images/ml.gif"]
title = "Machine Listening Curriculum"
sandpointsGiteaUrl = ""
sandpointsCatalogPrefix = "/library/"
sandpointsCatalogName = "machinelistening"
sandpointsMentionedIn = ["annex", "author", "editor"]
isPlainText = true
mediaType = "application/javascript"
list = ["html", "js"]
ordered = true
startLevel = 1
unsafe = true
3 years ago
#replacements = " -> /home/m/devel/SandpointsTheme"
path = ""
# if only [[module.imports]]'s path is provided
# and repo is made into hugo module (hugo mod init repo_name)
# [[module.imports]]'s path should apply SandpointsTheme
# if repo needs some specific customization the rest of the
# mounts below should be added respectively
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