{{ $s := partialCached "scratch.html" . }} {{ $currentNode := . }} {{ $currentDir := "" }} {{ with .File }} {{ $currentDir = .Dir }} {{ end }} {{ $currentFile := (printf "/%s" .File) }} {{ $scratch := $s.Get $currentFile }}
{{ substr $currentDir 0 -1 }}⁄{{ substr .Title 0 1 }}{{ substr .Title 1 }}
{{ if ne (trim .Page.TableOfContents "\n") "" }} {{ .Page.TableOfContents }} {{ end }}
{{- range $k, $v := .Page.Params.authors -}} {{- with $.GetPage (printf "/author/%s" $v) -}} {{- with not $k -}}
author{{ with $.Page.Params.authors }}{{ if gt (len .) 1 }}s{{ end }}{{ end }}⁄
{{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- with .Page.Params.authors -}}
{{- end -}} {{ if in .Page.Site.Params.sandpointsMentionedIn (substr $currentDir 0 -1) }}
{{ with $scratch.backlinks }}
mentioned in⁄
{{ end }}
{{ range $scratch.backlinks }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ if and (not (eq $scratch.depth "crust")) $scratch.has_children }}
{{ with $scratch.has }}
has {{ $scratch.has }}⁄
{{ end }}
{{ range $scratch.has_children }} {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ if eq $scratch.depth "crust" }}
in {{ index $scratch.in 1 }}⁄
{{ range $scratch.is_in }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Page.Params.abstract }}
abstract⁄{{ . | $.Page.RenderString | htmlUnescape | safeHTML }}
{{ end }} {{- $vld := false -}}{{- range $k, $v := .Page.Params.keywords -}}{{- if eq $k 0 -}}{{- $vld = true -}}
keywords⁄{{- $v -}}{{- else -}}, {{- $v -}}{{- end -}}{{- end -}}{{- with $vld -}}
{{- end -}} {{ with .Page.Params.abstract }}{{ end }}