hafsaas corr

Alexandros Tsakos 1 year ago
parent 3f77a198a8
commit 75bb579354

@ -40,11 +40,10 @@ ethnogenesis,[^1] as the distinctive material culture of the A-Group
people became archaeologically visible around the middle of the 4th
millennium BCE (Table 1).[^2]
![Chronology for the A-Group people including cross-dating with Egypt](../static/images/hafsaas/Table1.jpg "Chronology for the A-Group people including cross-dating with Egypt")
![Chronology for the A-Group people including cross-dating with Egypt.](../static/images/hafsaas/Table1.jpg "Chronology for the A-Group people including cross-dating with Egypt.")
**~~Table 1. Chronology for the A-Group people including cross-dating with Egypt.~~**
After the first violent clashes near
the First Cataract, headhunting appears to become part of the warfare
practices as the Naqada people continued their expansion southwards.
