added some examples in jakobi

vincentwj 3 years ago
parent ada86bd811
commit 53cbc77f5a

@ -311,9 +311,16 @@ In addition to deriving transitive from intransitive verbs, Midob *(i)r* can
[^63]: Examples provided without tone marks by Ishaag Hassan, p.c., January 2019.
[^64]: Werner, *Tìdn-áal,* p. 29.
{{< gloss "(49)" >}}
{r} Midob
{g} on, [3sg]({sc})|taa, road|pacc-ihum,deviate-[prf.3sg]({sc})|
{r} “s/he deviated from the road”
{{< /gloss >}}
{{< gloss "(50)" >}}
{g} on,[3sg]({sc})|naa,[3sg.acc]({sc})|taa,road|pacc-ir-hum,deviate-[caus-prf.3sg]({sc})|
{r} “s/he made him deviate from the road”
{{< /gloss >}}
In terms of its valency-increasing function, Midob *(i)r* is comparable to the extension *ée-k ~ -èe-k* ([§2.2](#22)).
@ -589,9 +596,13 @@ The characteristic semantic, syntactic, and morphological properties of converbs
[^115]: Example from *Nobiiguun Kummaanchii,* p. 54.
{{< gloss "(103)" >}}
{r} Nobiin
{g} iiw=ga,cereals=[acc]({sc})|jaaw=log,mill=[ins]({sc})|joog-j-a,grind-[plact-cnv]({sc})|issee=g,dough=[acc]({sc})|att-oos-a,knead-[pfv-cnv]({sc})|ittir,|tan=ga,[3sg.gen=acc]({sc})|niff-oos-a,stir-[pfv-cnv]({sc})|aman,water|tan=ga,[3sg.gen=acc]({sc})|oll-ij-a,draw-[plact-cnv]({sc})|id=idan,man=[com]({sc})|jelli=laak,work=towards|sukk-oos-on,descend-[pfv-pt.3sg]({sc})|
{r} “she ground the cereals with the handmill, prepared the dough, stirred her side dish, drew her water, and went down to the work with the man”
{{< /gloss >}}
The converb in (104) indicates an event prior to the event designated by the main verb.[^116]
>The converb in (104) indicates an event prior to the event designated by the main verb.[^116]
[^116]: Example from Lepsius, *Nubische Grammatik,* p. 345. Lepsiuss German translation reads: “angekommen gingen sie zu ihm.”
