small corrections

vincentwj 3 years ago
parent 93f1bb7948
commit 3f33a3bccf

@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ Otherwise the loss of most plural marking is very marked in comparison with rela
| salt | ɔrdik |
| spear | mətsək |
**Table 15. The fossil affix -Vk in Dinik[^405]**
**Table 15. The fossil affix** ***-Vk*** **in Dinik[^405]**
[^405]: Data from Bender, “Roland Stevensons Nyimang and Dinik Lexicon.”

@ -1106,50 +1106,50 @@ In conclusion, a general table of the personal markers that have been identified
# Abbreviations
* […]: signs missing
* [x]: signs reconstructed
* : (colon): Meroitic word divider
* 1, 2, 3 : 1st, 2nd, 3rd person marker
* acc: accusative
* adj: adjective
* asp: aspect marker
* app: applicative voice
* cop: copula
* cont: continuous (tense)
* dat: dative
* dec: declarative
* det: determiner
* disc: discursive (direct discourse marker)
* du: dual
* emp: so-called “emphatic particle” after the copula in Meroitic (*-wi*)
* caus: causative
* [*x*]: signs reconstructed
* *:* (colon): Meroitic word divider
* 1, 2, 3: 1st, 2nd, 3rd person marker
* [acc]({sc}): accusative
* [adj]({sc}): adjective
* [asp]({sc}): aspect marker
* [app]({sc}): applicative voice
* [cop]({sc}): copula
* [cont]({sc}): continuous (tense)
* [dat]({sc}): dative
* [dec]({sc}): declarative
* [det]({sc}): determiner
* [disc]({sc}): discursive (direct discourse marker)
* [du]({sc}): dual
* [emp]({sc}): so-called “emphatic particle” after the copula in Meroitic (*-wi*)
* [caus]({sc}): causative
* *FHN*: Eide et al., eds., *Fontes Historiae Nubiorum*
* fin: final element
* frq: frequentative
* fut: future tense
* gen: genitive (genitival postposition)
* imp : imperative
* impp: imperative particle (*-se*)
* ipa: international phonetic alphabet
* ipfv: imperfective
* loc: locative
* n: noun
* o: object
* obj: objective (= accusative/dative) marker
* opt: optative
* pl: plural
* plc: pluractional
* prt1: preterite 1
* pm: personal marker
* pn: person name
* purp: purposive
* [fin]({sc}): final element
* [frq]({sc}): frequentative
* [fut]({sc}): future tense
* [gen]({sc}): genitive (genitival postposition)
* [imp]({sc}): imperative
* [impp]({sc}): imperative particle (*-se*)
* IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet
* [ipfv]({sc}): imperfective
* [loc]({sc}): locative
* [n]({sc}): noun
* [o]({sc}): object
* [obj]({sc}): objective (= accusative/dative) marker
* [opt]({sc}): optative
* [pl]({sc}): plural
* [plc]({sc}): pluractional
* [prt1]({sc}): preterite 1
* [pm]({sc}): personal marker
* [pn]({sc}): person name
* [purp]({sc}): purposive
* REM: *Répertoire dépigraphie méroïtique*
* s: subject
* sg: singular
* tam: tense, aspect, and mood markers
* ver: veridical
* vnm: verbal number marker
* voc: vocative suffix
* vc: verbal compound
* [s]({sc}): subject
* [sg]({sc}): singular
* [tam]({sc}): tense, aspect, and mood markers
* [ver]({sc}): veridical
* [vnm]({sc}): verbal number marker
* [voc]({sc}): vocative suffix
* [vc]({sc}): verbal compound
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