kand !publish!

Alexandros Tsakos 1 year ago
parent 9efdaedc2f
commit 2b9dcd272d

@ -200,7 +200,9 @@ mobilized in 2013, community-based structures and initiatives training
from the beginning in non-violent civil engagement. The Sudanese
Professional Association (SPA) showed extraordinary leadership skills,
however, it was the involvement of civil society that made it possible
to sustain a decentralized campaign based on non-violent protests. The
to sustain a decentralized campaign based on non-violent protests.
collaboration of local groups and trade unions (which always were a very
strong part of civil society organizations) was particularly noticeable.
SPA mobilized the people and actively participated in the activities
@ -451,11 +453,6 @@ The nickname is inspired by the Kushite queen. Her works beautifully and
harmoniously draw on Nubian traditions and combine ethnic aesthetics
with modern symbols.
![Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/](../static/images/roxana/Fig14.jpg "Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/")
**~~Figure 5: Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/~~**
The art piece "Kandaka factory\" emphasizes the
participation of women in strikes (Figure 5). She traces the women\'s
ancestry back to the pyramids of Ancient Kush, where she placed the
@ -468,6 +465,10 @@ and steadfastly ruled the Kingdom of Kush. We cannot blindly accept
oppressive frameworks but instead carve a path of resistance, in the
glowing spirit of our female ancestors.*"[^51]
![Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/](../static/images/roxana/Fig14.jpg "Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/")
**~~Figure 5: Kandaka Factory. Credit: Yasmin El Nours aka Kandaka Khronikles. Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gu7tBHds7/~~**
A collage by Mahammed Mahdi shows women in white tobes and modern
clothes marching with their fists raised in protest and as signs of
anger. Above them, in the air, as if freed and freely soaring upwards,
