Update 'content/syllabus/fourthsyllabus.md'

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Teagan C. Lance 2021-08-28 08:32:45 -07:00
parent bbc3e70924
commit 15626ef7b6
1 changed files with 0 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -77,14 +77,6 @@ Global Emergent Media Lab, __"Black Political Making"__ Online Talk Documentatio
## Conclusion
Sed eleifend tincidunt dolor, non laoreet arcu hendrerit at. Mauris eu nunc in lacus rutrum imperdiet tempor in purus. Duis ut sagittis arcu. Ut tincidunt, felis sit amet eleifend vulputate, magna metus lobortis purus, ut blandit orci nisl vel elit. Aenean ante ante, fermentum ac velit eget, commodo placerat sem. Cras et accumsan urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In ut placerat nunc. Donec malesuada faucibus velit sed lacinia. [^7] Sed arcu lacus, gravida at augue eu, eleifend luctus est. Duis mauris nibh, lobortis sit amet ipsum sit amet, dictum viverra arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse quis dapibus odio.
Now that weve finally gotten through the work of creating the page and linking it correctly to the rest of the site, we can discuss how you format things in Markdown. I will at this point note that the site is designed to be pretty simple and uniform in its presentation as well as being text centric. But we will also cover how to add images and embedded video in the Advanced Formatting section.
So as alluded to earlier, markdown has a specific way of adding emphasis and text formatting. If you were involved in early forum culture or some light web design this may be fairly familiar.
Unlike with a word processor (word, pages, open office, etc.) all formatting instruction are written in line with the text. This is similar to HTML formatting or coding, but is done with a much simpler / faster syntax. (If that all sounds complex, dont worry its incredibly easy, just specific.)
One nice thing Is that the markdown editor on the site will visually display when you use most formatting correctly. (i.e. if you use the code for **Bold** correctly it will show the text in bold on the edit screen. Or it may display a # Heading in blue to confirm that it sees the heading formatting.)
# Footnotes
[^1]: Sed eleifend tincidunt dolor, non laoreet arcu hendrerit at. Mauris eu nunc in lacus rutrum imperdiet tempor in purus.
[^2]: [Hey it's google](https://www.google.com)