
118 lines
3.8 KiB

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "ExampleSite for Sandpoints Theme"
relativeurls = true
disableKinds = ["RSS", "sitemap"]
# journals probably should have at least keyword = "keywords"
# [taxonomies]
# keyword = "keywords"
description = "This is an example description in Sandpoints Theme's example config file."
## sandpointsGiteaUrl is used in layouts/partials/header.html to generate links in admin ui bar
# sandpointsGiteaUrl = ""
## sandpointsCatalogPrefix is used in custom bib: links impplemented in render-image.html
# sandpointsCatalogPrefix = "hyper://18f79903cb7ce4f1f3c05449418505a296bb2c4e851f7dc9444cf87ed45fb194/"
## sandpointsCatalogName will be symlink to library following the path:
## /var/www/html/sandpoints/libraries/{sandpointsCatalogName}
# sandpointsCatalogName = "dotawo"
## sandpointsMentionedIn lists all pages outside of triadic structure
## which should have a menu `mentioned in` with its backlinks
# sandpointsMentionedIn = ["annex", "author", "editor"]
isPlainText = true
mediaType = "application/javascript"
list = ["html", "js"]
ordered = true
startLevel = 1
unsafe = true
## Enable custom attribute support for titles and blocks by adding attribute lists inside single curly brackets ({.myclass class="class1 class2" }) and placing it after the Markdown element it decorates, on the same line for titles and on a new line directly below for blocks. introduced in hugo v0.81
block = true
## replacement allow for easier local development
# replacements = [" -> /home/m/devel/SandpointsTheme", " -> /home/m/devel/SandpointsEditPage"]
## if any customizations are added one should add, along with the customization imports, also the hugo's skeleton directory structure: archetypes, assets, layouts, static & data
path = ""
source = "archetypes"
target = "archetypes"
source = "assets"
target = "assets"
source = "layouts"
target = "layouts"
source = "static"
target = "static"
source = "data"
target = "data"
## if not working on the css rendered via hugo's postcss pipes
## this should make it ready to go with only `hugo` and not `hugo -e dev`
source = "assets/css/site-min.css"
target = "static/css/site-min.css"
## import from SandpointsTheme exampleSite to content/metadata so the metadata is rendered without bothering the regular user
source = "exampleSite/content/metadata/"
target = "content/metadata/"
## below is the example of custom css imported from customizations directory of Dotawo project
# [[module.imports.mounts]]
# source = "customizations/Dotawo/assets/css/site.css"
# target = "assets/css/site.css"
# [[module.imports.mounts]]
# source = "customizations/Dotawo/static/css/site.min.css"
# target = "static/css/site.min.css"
# below is the list of imports to get the svelte webapp
# which handles editing the website
path = ""
source = "public/"
target = "content/edit/"
source = "public/global.css"
target = "static/edit/build/global.css"
source = "public/build/bundle.js"
target = "static/edit/build/bundle.js"
source = "public/build/"
target = "static/edit/build/"