{{ $s := partialCached "scratch.html" . }} {{ $currentDir := "" }} {{ with .File }} {{ $currentDir = .Dir }} {{ end }} {{ $currentFile := (printf "/%s" .File) }} {{ $scratch := $s.Get $currentFile }} {{ $is_in_ := newScratch }} {{ with eq $scratch.depth "crust" }} {{ range $scratch.is_in }} {{ range $k,$v := $s.Get (printf "/%s" .File) }} {{ if eq $k "is_in" }} {{ range $v }} {{ $is_in_.Set (printf "/%s" .File) (printf "/%s" .File) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ $is_in_is_in := (slice) }} {{ range $is_in_.Values }} {{ $is_in_is_in = $is_in_is_in | append ($.GetPage .) }} {{ end }} {{ if eq hugo.Environment "gitea" }}
EDIT_THIS {{ with $scratch.core }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ with $scratch.mantle }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ with $scratch.crust }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ if not $scratch.core }}ADD_{{ substr $currentDir 0 -1 | upper }}{{ end }} PUBLISH ?
{{ else }} {{ $editPage := $.Site.GetPage "/edit" }}
EDIT_THIS {{ with $scratch.core }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ with $scratch.mantle }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ with $scratch.crust }}ADD_{{ index . 0 | upper }}{{ end }} {{ if not $scratch.core }}ADD_{{ substr $currentDir 0 -1 | upper }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}