if print root is `core` render recursively down to `crust`

Marcell Mars 3 years ago
parent 2c21080f41
commit 614a9a9e09

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
{{ $authors = printf "%s%s" $prefix $authorPage.Title }}
{{ end }}
<div class="{{ $scratch.child_depth }} crustoc">
<a class="toc" href="#{{ .File.LogicalName }}"><span><span class="back">{{ .Title }} ({{ $authors }})</span></span></a>
<a class="toc" href="#{{ .File.LogicalName }}"><span><span class="back">{{ .Title }} {{with $authors}}({{ $authors }}){{ end }}</span></span></a>
{{ end }}

@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
{{- define "singlebody" -}}
{{ $cssTemplate := `.css-_rplc_-h2 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h3;
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h3;
.css-_rplc_-h3 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h4;
.css-_rplc_-h3 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h4;
.css-_rplc_-h4 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h5;
.css-_rplc_-h4 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h5;
.css-_rplc_-h5 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h6;
.css-_rplc_-h5 {
counter-reset: css-_rplc_-h6;
.css-_rplc_-h2:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h2 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h2:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h2 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h3:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h3 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h3:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h3 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h4:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h4 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h4:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h4 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h5:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h5 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h5) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h5:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h5 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h5) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h6:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h6 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h5) "."
.css-_rplc_-h6:before {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
counter-increment: css-_rplc_-h6 1;
content: counter(css-_rplc_-h2) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h3) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h4) "." counter(css-_rplc_-h5) "."
counter(css-_rplc_-h6) ". ";
.css-_rplc_-h6.nocount:before {
content: "";
counter-increment: none;
.css-_rplc_-h6.nocount:before {
content: "";
counter-increment: none;
}` }}
{{ $cssOutput := "" }}
@ -74,7 +74,10 @@
{{ range $scratch.has_children }}
<div class="crustpage">
{{ $addS := len .Params.authors }}
{{ $addS := 0 }}
{{ with .Params.authors }}
{{ $addS = len . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $n, $authorFile := .Params.authors }}
{{ $author := $.GetPage (printf "/author/%s" $authorFile) }}
{{ if eq $n 0 }}
@ -94,7 +97,34 @@
{{ .Content }}
{{ $cssOutput = printf "%s\n%s" $cssOutput (replace $cssTemplate "_rplc_" .File.UniqueID) }}
{{ $cssHashes = printf "%s css-%s-h2" $cssHashes .File.UniqueID }}
{{ end }}
{{ $kid := $s.Get (printf "/%s" .File) }}
{{ range $kid.has_children }}
<div class="crustpage">
{{ $addS := 0 }}
{{ with .Params.authors }}
{{ $addS = len . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $n, $authorFile := .Params.authors }}
{{ $author := $.GetPage (printf "/author/%s" $authorFile) }}
{{ if eq $n 0 }}
<div class="runningAuthors"><span class="sup">author{{ with (gt $addS 1) }}s{{ end }}</span><a href="#{{ $author.File.LogicalName }}">{{ $author.Title }}</a>
{{ else }}
, <a href="#{{ $author.File.LogicalName }}">{{ $author.Title }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.authors }}</div>{{ end }}
{{ $tit := .Title }}
{{ if gt (len .Title) 54 }}
{{ $tit = printf "%s…" (substr .Title 0 50) }}
{{ end }}
<div class="runningTitle"><span class="sup">{{ index $scratch.crust 0 }}</span><a href="#{{ .File.LogicalName }}">{{ $tit }}</a></div>
{{ partial "printsinglebody.html" . }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ $cssOutput = printf "%s\n%s" $cssOutput (replace $cssTemplate "_rplc_" .File.UniqueID) }}
{{ $cssHashes = printf "%s css-%s-h2" $cssHashes .File.UniqueID }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range where $.Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" (slice "author" "editor") }}
<div class="authorpage">
