minor styling..

Marcell Mars 3 years ago
parent c98f6ac59b
commit 5bd6fd279a

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ img {
.hasauthors {
font-size: 1.6rem !important;
display: flex;
.hassup {

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
{{ .Page.Scratch.Add "bibs" (slice (slice $bibhref $bibtitle)) }}
{{- if not $text_link -}}
<span>{{- delimit $b.authors ", " " & " -}}{{- with $b.pubdate -}}, {{- substr . 0 4}}{{- end -}}.<a href="{{- $c_prefix | safeURL -}}BROWSE_LIBRARY.html#/book/{{- $destination -}}"{{- with $b.title}} title="{{- . -}}"{{- end -}} target="_blank"><span class="sup">bib</span><i>{{- $b.title -}}</i></a>. {{- with $b.publisher -}}{{- . -}}.{{- end -}}</span>
{{- else -}}
<span class="sup">bib</span><a href="{{- $c_prefix | safeURL -}}BROWSE_LIBRARY.html#/book/{{- $destination -}}"{{- with $b.title}} title="{{- . -}}"{{- end -}} target="_blank">{{- $text_link -}}</a>
{{- else -}}
<span class="sup">bib</span><a href="{{- $c_prefix | safeURL -}}BROWSE_LIBRARY.html#/book/{{- $destination -}}"{{- with $b.title}} title="{{- . -}}"{{- end -}} target="_blank">{{- $text_link -}}</a>
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
<a href="{{- $c_prefix | safeURL -}}BROWSE_LIBRARY.html#/book/{{- $destination -}}"{{- with .Title}} title="{{- . -}}"{{- end -}}>{{- $text_link -}}⦚<span class="text-xs font-bold p-1 bg-AuChico text-CoconutCream">bib:{{- $destination -}} not found</span></a>
<a href="{{- $c_prefix | safeURL -}}BROWSE_LIBRARY.html#/book/{{- $destination -}}"{{- with .Title}} title="{{- . -}}"{{- end -}}>{{- $text_link -}}⦚<span>bib:{{- $destination -}} not found</span></a>
{{- end -}}
{{- else if in ($_.Get "triads") (index (split .Destination ":") 0) -}}
{{- if $.Page.Site.GetPage (printf "/%s" (replace .Destination ":" "/")) -}}
