업데이트 'content/article/023_Quantum_Social_Entanglement.md'

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commit 80dc76e3e2

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title: "Quantum Social Entanglement"
title: "Quantum Social Entanglement: Changing the Thought Image"
authors: ["nikomas.md"]
tags: "Sociology", "Quantum", "Cinema", "Chthulucene"
date: "09.10.22"
Trying to ascertain the intentions of multiplicitous entities on the geopolitical stage can be disorienting. The news can feel like an opera being transmitted in all directions from everywhere; this country said this, that country performed operations here, these people claim this. Geopolitics is more confusing than ever, our language determines that we discuss Nations as if they are individuals, singular minded entities that make up the cast list of the show.
Almost a century ago, the collection of ideas typically known as Marxism started a kind of evolution. Marxism, as a set of theories regarding the systems and motions of capital, crises of production, and class and power relations, remains relevant today, but as a lens it has developed beyond recognition. In the first issue of Becoming (Issue Zero), we quoted Rosi Bradiotti in saying “we are not in the same capital as Marx”, who, in the lecture that phrase came from, stated that the more cutting edges of the inquiries and concerns of Marxism today, stem from the work of those such as Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault. If there was a need to quickly explain the purpose and the context of what Becoming magazine frequently refers to as “Critical Theory”, it is this, the result of analyzing all of the above — class relations, motions of capital, crises of production — a deeply contextualized and highly scrutinized approach to criticizing the apparatuses that exist around us.
Without any discredit to the original texts, whatever “Capital” was, as seen and ascribed by Karl Marx, is not the capital of today, at least this is what contemporary critics think; we still orient our lives around capital, but capital has, as everything does, become [something else]. Quantum Economists like Achim Szepanski are in a better position to detail the precise nature of this entity around which we orient everything, but it is precisely the Quantum nature of the economy that causes ripples across the global stage, and help to build a more coherent image of the confusing geopolitical opera.
One fundamental principle that has emerged from Critical Theory, specifically through the work of the more memorable names like Deleuze, Guattari, Baudrilliard, Guy de Bord, Jameson, and so on, is that the reality humans exist within, the site of our agency and communication, is not something objective, but a composite assemblage of experiences that are guided by and which imitate the dominant or hegemonic ideology. Words like Capitalism and Logocentrism are easily listed off, and easy to have contempt for, but the reason why “isms” are so hard for critical theory to shake off, is because of the fundamental argument that capitalism, or logocentrism, is not just a “way of thinking” but a way of shaping the very reality we live in. Whatever objective reality we once believed in, now appears like an entangled mess of contradicting fields that are defined and shaped by a set of complex relationships to every other field. In other words, it is common to hear within critical theory circles that we truly live within the interiority of capitalism. It is a box that we are stuck in, and we have been stuck here for so long that we have forgotten that there was ever an outside, or that anything could be different at all; this effect can be short handed as capitalist realism.